Gate Keeper Corruption

Anti Corruption Consultants Australia

What is Gate Keeper Corruption?

The World Bank conducts regular surveys on the ease of doing business in various countries. The “ease” relates to the amount of gates that have to be opened before the business is established.

The latest survey indicates South Africa ranks 39 out of 185 countries. A person starting a business has to move through five gates, and if you want to get a construction permit then there are 13 gates, Each one of these gates has to be opened by a public official – each one provides an opportunity for corruption.

It makes you wonder when there is a move to introduce a Licensing of Business Bill. The Bill, in its current form, provides greater opportunity for corruption (see

There is always a dilemma when trying to have a system to monitor licences – do you introduce more controls to ensure compliance and take the risk of increasing corruption?

How do you ensure the gates do not need oiling?

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